Harnessing Technology To Improve Staff And Student Safety

Identification Cards

As physical security becomes more and more important within our current society, having certain technologies in place prevents any unauthorised access. This is particularly important within schools, colleges and universities. Implementing the use of Identification cards into the building allows students and staff to enter with ease whilst maximising security. Windmill Computing specialise in ID card printers, access control middleware and other ID card related accessories. If you are interested in improving the security at your facilities get in touch with the team here, or give us a call on 0800 294 5890. We’d be happy to help!


The Purpose Of The ID Card System

Implementing school ID card systems can serve many purposes. It is important to evaluate what you are looking for it to do. Maybe it’s gaining entry to school events, library check-outs and multi-functional printers, attendance, authorised access to certain areas and more. You then need to decide who will be using the cards? Administrators, staff, faculty, visitors, staff or students. The main goal is to be able to identify who is on campus at all times. By adding card readers to the entry and exit points of the building, all students will have to present their cards to enter or leave, reducing the chance of unauthorised access. 


For Student Usage

Issuing students with access and the ability to enter and exit using their identification cards significantly reduces the chance of any unauthorised entry occurring. 


Providing the students with lanyards is another great way to be able to easily distinguish who is a student and who is not. If all students wear coloured lanyards, anyone not wearing one will stand out, allowing the security to check who they are. 


Another excellent benefit of student ID cards is the improved access control within the schools/colleges/universities technology, such as printing or computer usage. Strenuous sign-ins can be reduced to simply swiping your ID card, instantly logging into your account.


For Staff Usage

ID card systems for staff are just as important as they are for students. Staff members should be able to access specific rooms using ID cards that only they are authorised to enter into. These rooms could be science laboratories with harmful chemicals, or construction rooms with dangerous tools. It is essential to protect equipment and expensive items from anyone without the relevant authority, identification cards ensure that no stranger can access them. 


Another benefit of using ID cards involves not forgetting other staff members’ names. It can be easy to forget names when starting at a new job or meeting a new staff member.


Contact Us – Windmill Computing Identification Cards 

Implementing an ID card system is one of the best strategies you can implement to improve security around schools, colleges and universities. If you are looking for an ID card system designed for this type of usage but don’t know where to start click here, our expert team can guide you through our different systems. Alternatively, take a look at some of our ID card printers here.

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